Picture Hot Linking Size


Active member
Hi, would there be any way of set all hot linked picture to a set height and width?
Some of the pictures members are linking to are huge and makes the forum look untidy.
Any ideas? :D
Thanks for the reply James.

I placed the code in the extra.css and even added !important after the sizes. Made no difference to the hot linked pictures sizes like 4877 × 3515
As I posted above, add some css to EXTRA.css for the .bbCodeImage class.

.bbCodeImage {
max-width: 100px;
max-height: 100px;

I'm slightly confused though as images will only fit to the container width anyway.
They will only show full size once clicked.
As I posted above, add some css to EXTRA.css for the .bbCodeImage class.

.bbCodeImage {
max-width: 100px;
max-height: 100px;

I'm slightly confused though as images will only fit to the container width anyway.
They will only show full size once clicked.

The images leave the container and disapper of the side of the screen.

.bbCodeImage {

I had to put it in "bb_code_base.css" for it to work. Smashing job guys. Thanks (y)
As I posted above, add some css to EXTRA.css for the .bbCodeImage class.

.bbCodeImage {
max-width: 100px;
max-height: 100px;

I'm slightly confused though as images will only fit to the container width anyway.
They will only show full size once clicked.

Is there a way to add a different image class to leave any bbcode images in the signature alone, or at least resize them differently ?

Thought I might be able to use .bbcodeimage signature { or something similar but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I'd like to continue using the img bbcode for both signatures and images in posts.
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