XF 2.2 phpbb to xenForo 2.2

Hi everybody

I am currently trying to get data of my phpbb 3.3.2 test system into xenForo test system. I had the impression, that the import worked well. All users, froums and topics appeared etc. but when I tried to login with an old account it always says: "wrong password". I tried two accounts I know (old admin and test user) but neither worked. The new xenForo admin user works without a problem. After resetting the password (exact same password like phpbb) with the "forgot password" function, the login worked like a charm.

My guess is that there may was some problem with the user table during import. Should old passwords work in the new environment or would every user have to use the forget password function?

Second questions regarding attachments: i imported them but they seem to be corrupt (pdf without content, disturbed jpeg's etc.). Has anybody had similar experiences after upgrading?

Thank you very much!
Just to follow up on this, it seems phpBB3 now utilises Argon2i for password hashing.

Older versions of phpBB only use Bcrypt, which is all the XF importer currently supports.

Until the importer is updated, a workaround is to change the xf_user_authenticate.scheme_class for imported accounts to XF:Core12 by running this query:
UPDATE xf_user_authenticate SET scheme_class = 'XF:Core12' WHERE scheme_class = 'XF:PhpBb3';

That will only work if the passwords in phpBB are already using Argon2i - it won't work if they are using Bcrypt.
For those accounts, the password should be changed in phpBB, which should update it to Argon2i.

Failing that, members can just do a password reset in XF.
The importer should (and does) preserve passwords so I suspect there is something specific about your phpBB installation which is causing issues.

The corruption of the attachments also seems to point towards that.

Is there anything unique about your hosting environment?
Thank you for answering.

I actually managed to solve the corrupted images part. That was actually a FileZilla issue which corrupted the files on my test environment. I tried importing again from production and attachments were just fine.

But login is still not working (wrong passwort, please try again). It also doesn't matter if I use nickname or mail in the login form. I don't know what could be unique about my hsoting environment regarding passwords. All other content gets imported just right.
Has the phpBB installation ever been imported from another system?
That would typically only be an issue for accounts which hadn't logged in since the initial import though.

Presumably phpBB and XF are on the same server?
What is the php version?

What is the charset and collation of the phpBB database?
Just to follow up on this, it seems phpBB3 now utilises Argon2i for password hashing.

Older versions of phpBB only use Bcrypt, which is all the XF importer currently supports.

Until the importer is updated, a workaround is to change the xf_user_authenticate.scheme_class for imported accounts to XF:Core12 by running this query:
UPDATE xf_user_authenticate SET scheme_class = 'XF:Core12' WHERE scheme_class = 'XF:PhpBb3';

That will only work if the passwords in phpBB are already using Argon2i - it won't work if they are using Bcrypt.
For those accounts, the password should be changed in phpBB, which should update it to Argon2i.

Failing that, members can just do a password reset in XF.
Can I ask a quick question on this please? I have run the SQL query above and it executed successfully but still getting people telling me the pssword doesnt work - the phpbb forum went live in 2020 - is there anything else I need to do?
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