phpBB Importer - missing Profile Info


Active member
I have used the publicly available one and one "private" importer which I got from @Chris D after opening this thread -

It seems to work like a charm, but I realized first when I really wanted to move to XF that when I press on a profile that tabs like Profile Post, Recent Activity, Postings, Information are empty.

("private" importer) XF1:
(public importer -16.04.2019 ) XF2:
I'm not certain this would be a bug, exactly.

Profile posts aren't something that exist in phpBB as far as I'm aware, so there wouldn't be anything on that tab.
Recent activity is an XF concept so that wouldn't get populated until you start using the site.
Postings is based off the search index so you will need to rebuild the search index first.
Information will be blank if there was no relevant information contained in phpBB.
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