XF 2.0 PHP callback inside if


Can I make a php callback for a xf:if?

Using that callback:
<xf:callback class="To\\The\\Class" method="isAmp" params="[]">
Inside an if:
<xf:if "here">
Wrap it in a <xf:if hascontent="true">?
Can you explain better what is that hascontent?

I tried like this:
<xf:set var="$test">
        <xf:callback class="to\\the\\class" method="isAmp" params="[]"></xf:callback>
<xf:if is="$test">
    <xf:else />

isAmp returns false.

The code above doesn't work properly, in fact it will print XXXX every time.
So far as I know, a callback used in a template has to return what you want to display (a string, a rendered template or HTML created in PHP) or NULL. And you can't use it to set a variable value in a template.

Your PHP would look something like this...
public static function getIsAmp($contents, $params)
    .... do whatever ...

        $value = '<span class="aclass">' . $result_from_whatever . '</span>';
        $value = null;

    return $value;

So, your template would look something like this...
<xf:if hascontent="true">
        <xf:callback class="to\\the\\class" method="getIsAmp" params="[]"></xf:callback>
<xf:else />

AND your method name MUST start with 'get'.
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I solved by making the HTML with the PHP callback, just another question:
You said that I cannot use xf:set variables got by a php callback, but if I just use them with {$var} I can see them in the HTML.

Also, in your case you are creating the "XXXX" inside the PHP, and the YYYY from the template, right?
After a quick test, it also appears that "isXXX" or "getXXX" are valid "read only" function names.
After a quick test, it also appears that "isXXX" or "getXXX" are valid "read only" function names.
Yes but it's strange that appears only XXXX if I make something like this:
<xf:if is="$test">XXXX<xf:else>YYYY</xf:if>

$test is false.
That is why you can't assign a variable value from a callback. If it returns something other than what is to be displayed, you get this as the value...
PreEscaped {#360 ▼
  +value: ""
  +escapeType: "html"
Which equates to "true" in the if is= test.

Dump your "false" variable in the template to see what I mean {{dump ($var)}}
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