XF 2.2 permissions.xml changes while building


Well-known member
I have one single permission

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <permission permission_group_id="xc_epf" permission_id="xc_epf_editAny" permission_type="flag" interface_group_id="xc_epf" display_order="40"/>

Every time when I build the add-on, the file is changed to permission_id="editAny"[/code] How this is possible?

I have restarted the PC, I have changed something in the settings.
But I really want to know what is happened there. How it is possible that I save a file, then it is changed.
When I STRG-Z it, Storm asks if i wish to revert the "load from disc"; what a load from disc?

How there could be something, when I have saved the file with new values before?
And why this happens? I have nothing changed in the settings.
It is sooooooo funy, i cant believe.I have also set the file-permissions now to rrr,
and the file seems not to be changed anymore.


Every build-release I do has the changed file.
Is there something like a cache for files used for building?
The story get's better and better.
Now I have quit PHPStorm.
I have deleted all cache-Files of XF.
I changed the permission in a linux text-editor.
I do a release-build and again my file is changed.
From where, XF knows to change my file?
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