XF 1.3 Permissions Question


Active member
So I am trying to set up a board that just myself and super moderators can see. I've created a category, and then a forum. Board of these have the following permissions:

Category - Behind The Scenes
Unregistered - Never
Registered - Never
Moderator - Allow
Admin - Allow

Category - Behind The Scenes
Unregistered - Never
Registered - Never
Moderator - Allow
Admin - Allow

However, I am an admin and a moderator and I cannot see the board I've created.

When I look at my profile I am not a member or registered, or unregistered.

I can't figure out what I'm missing here.

Thanks for any help.
By assuming you mean revoked... I did just now and that worked. I am really sorry. I misunderstood the first response, until you said the word revoked, which triggered not never, but revoke.
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