Permissions pm and messages profile page


Well-known member

On the profile page you are limited to 140 characters, can this be more?
Are there other limitations in pb or other personal messages?
the profile post is really strange.
there are 2 max values.
        protected function _getDefaultOptions()
            $options = parent::_getDefaultOptions();
            $options[self::OPTION_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = 420;

            return $options;

and there's
protected function _messagePreSave()
        if ($this->get('user_id') == $this->get('profile_user_id') && $this->isChanged('message'))
            // statuses are more limited than other postss
            $message = $this->get('message');
            $maxLength = 140;

            $message = preg_replace('/\r?\n/', ' ', $message);

            if (utf8_strlen($message) > $maxLength)
                $this->error(new XenForo_Phrase('please_enter_message_with_no_more_than_x_characters', array('count' => $maxLength)), 'message');

            $this->set('message', $message);

mike/kier, is there any reason why there are 2 values?

You would need a plugin which owerrites the max values, to be able to have more chars.

Conversations doesn't have a limit.
It's the limit from the mysql database (don't know exactly the value)
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