Permission accumulation

I know how permissions are accumulated over various user groups and that you can set specific permissions per user group in a forum node but I'm not sure if the permissions in the forum nodes are always accumulated with those of in the user group(s) on the global level?
For example: assume I set the "Post new thread" to "Never" in a user group and then I want to make an exception for a particular forum by setting the "Post new thread" to "Allow" for that same user group in that forum node. Is the final permission then "Allow"? In other words, do the node permission override the global user/user group permissions (as in VBulletin)?

For XenForo 2.x: Never means never, so set the user group permission to No, and then for the forum in question, set the permission to Yes. If I remember correctly, works the same for XF 1.x, using Allow.
Thanks Lawrence.
Do you by any chance know why the user group permission uses the term "Not set(No)" and the node permission uses the term "Revoke"? I think it means the same or am I missing something?

Not set (No) means they do not have that permission. If the user group permission is set to Allow for posting replies for example, you can set a specific node's permission to Revoke (over-riding the Allow from the user group) so they can not make replies to threads in that node.

For example: Registered group (which every member, including Admins should belong to), and a forum for Site News, which you only want moderators to create threads in. Registered user group Create new thread: Allow. Node permission for Site News->Registered->Revoke. Node permissions for Site News->Moderators->Allow (over-rides the registered usergroup's Revoke for Moderators).
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