XF 2.1 Pasting an animated gif turns it static

I think gifs are disabled here on XF, that is why it is not working.

Your link works for me.

You need imagick installed on your server to have gifs working, if I am not mistaken.
The gif was pasted on 1.5.11, not linked back.

We have imagick installed and use it as the default, so I don't think that's the culprit.

@sbj do you have a site where I can try the same thing to see if it is in fact possible? I have been unable to get a gif to paste on any 2.1 forum I've tried. Would love to see one that works.
Ah, pasted as in right click and copied the graphic?
Yeah, that doesn't work for me too. I thought you were talking about copy/paste of the link.
Okay tried with that gif and my own site. It appears that when I copy the gif, only the frame showing when I hit copy image gets pasted, not the whole gif. That's likely what causes the problem. Not sure if that's a Xenforo thing or the nature of animated gifs and clipboards.
hi guise,
we have a problem with gif as avatar,
To clarify, we have installed imagemagik, and all the stuff in background, enabel it in Xenforo admin cp.
but the avatar of the users that uses animated gif, are alla stuck to first frame.
I have responded to your ticket.

To retain frames and animation, gif files must be attached.

View attachment 203929

Edit: To clarify, it's a limitation of the editor used for XF2.
Why though? Why has another great feature of XF1 been removed for XF2? All I've done since upgrading is discover one feature after another missing from this forum software, and there isn't even an addon to fix it.

The people on my forum loved the simplicity of copying a gif and pasting it on the forum, now I've got to try to train them to download a gif and then reupload it to the forum? Why? It was working just fine, why make it worse?

This is the opposite of progress, we're going backwards
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