Parse HTML

Parse HTML [Paid] 1.1.0

No permission to buy ($10.00)


XenForo developer
Staff member
NixFifty submitted a new resource:

Parse HTML - Allow users with permission to post parsed HTML content.

This add-on adds a permission to allow trusted users to use HTML code within [html] tags which is parsed wherever BB code is supported.

The permission should only be granted to trusted users who explicitly need this as it can pose a security risk otherwise.

Read more about this resource...
Just bought this in order to use for twitter embeds, but the stock twitter html embed code is not working. Any idea why that might be?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">You&#39;ve had enough from us... <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Southampton FC (@SouthamptonFC) <a href="">June 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

I have checked and Code works fine on a regular html page.
Works fine for me. Did you put the code within [html][/html] tags?
Ah yes it's fine, now it is there

It seems it takes a long time to render, so now I come back to check it is there - but I assume that is a Twitter issue

Just tested again and took about 10 seconds so that explains it.
Need your kind help. Please let me know if the following will render correctly using your addon.
<iframe src=""  scrolling="yes" height="400px" width="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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Is it not possible to provide a button for this "html" bbcode in the editor toolbar?
Could do, but it's only meant to be used by a small subset of trusted users so it'd be useless for the majority.
Need your kind help. Please let me know if the following will render correctly using your addon.
<iframe src=""  scrolling="yes" height="400px" width="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Yes, it renders a bar chart.
Will this fix my RSS issue?
No sure how I'd place html tags in an auto-post?
Could I use this to put amazon affiliate ads in posts?

Can I change the bbcode to something not <html> so that users can't guess it?
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