Pages Functionality and RM Cloning

Is there full support for full html/css/js/jquery on the Pages functionality? I want to be able to have separate Pages that have things like image maps with tooltips.

Also, can you have different instances of RM on the same install. What I mean is that I want to have different tabs in my menu go to different instances of RM to give a distinction of different areas. For example, I might want my Guides to be completely separate from my Replays. Ideally they could then be configured differently as well.

Hope you can advise.


Only one instance of the RM can be installed in a forum.
Use categories to separate content type.

Not ideal, but OK. Can the different categories have different configurations? For example, can I exclude Discussions or Updates from one category and not another? Can I add custom fields to each category independent of each other?
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