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[OzzModz] XFRM Last Online Sort 1.0.0 Patch Level 3

No permission to download
Dont no why, but the filter doesn't work for me anymore.
But the code looks correct.
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Every sort is shown in the filterbar, but i dont see last_update or last_activity if i choose them.
Checked the template (Downloads was commented, set back)
Now i remember. The default is never shown, what makes no sense.
It should be shown like all others. If i change asc/desc of the default it is shown in the filer_bar.
But the last_activity is not there, no asc/desc.
I will try to go back to the last version, but ...

1.0 2
        $sorts = parent::getAvailableResourceSorts();

        if (\XF::visitor()->hasPermission('resource', 'pb_xfrmlos_canUse'))
            $sorts['last_activity'] = 'User.last_activity';
            return $sorts;

        return $sorts;

1.0; dont know where i have the 1.0 1
        $sorts = parent::getAvailableResourceSorts();

        return $sorts + [
            'last_activity' => 'User.last_activity',
Hmm, have rebuild everything, now it seems to be ok.
Is this possible?

1. But there is still nothing shown in the filter_bar.
2. I muss the option to use it as default in acp.

I will look for both now.
When i try this:

        $sorts = parent::getAvailableResourceSorts();

        if (\XF::visitor()->hasPermission('resource', 'pb_xfrmlos_canUse'))
            $sorts['last_activity'] = 'User.last_activity';

        $visitor = \XF::visitor();
        if ($visitor->user_id == 1)
            echo "<pre>";
            echo "</pre>";

        return $sorts;

I get four(!) times this:

    [last_update] => last_update
    [resource_date] => resource_date
    [rating_weighted] => rating_weighted
    [download_count] => download_count
    [title] => title
    [last_activity] => User.last_activity

Why this is called four times?
Because other classes are used four times and every time we do again our function here?

Is there any reason to have the return twice times instead one time?

        $sorts = parent::getAvailableResourceSorts();

        if (\XF::visitor()->hasPermission('resource', 'pb_xfrmlos_canUse'))
            $sorts['last_activity'] = 'User.last_activity';
           // =>  return $sorts; <=

        return $sorts;
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{{dump($filters.order)}} => last_activity
{{dump($sortOrders)}} => no last_activity


Without $sortOrders, we dont have the text in the filterbar.
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Found it!


needs a template_mod to have:

<xf:macro name="list_filter_bar" arg-filters="!" arg-baseLinkPath="!" arg-category="{{ null }}" arg-creatorFilter="{{ null }}">
    <xf:set var="$sortOrders" value="{{ {
        'last_update': phrase('xfrm_last_update'),
        'resource_date': phrase('xfrm_submission_date'),
        'rating_weighted': phrase('rating'),
        'download_count': phrase('xfrm_downloads'),
        'title': phrase('title'),
        'last_activity': phrase('last_activity')                         
    } }}" />

  <modification type="public" template="xfrm_overview_macros" modification_key="pb_xfrmlos_overview_macros" execution_order="10" enabled="1" action="str_replace">
    <find><![CDATA['title': phrase('title')]]></find>
        'last_activity': phrase('last_activity')]]></replace>

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Now there is still the problem with last_update DESC (not the fault of this addon)

{{dump($filters.order)}} is NULL for last_update DESC

While in xfrm/cp/overview we have
        $defaultOrder = $this->options()->xfrmListDefaultOrder ?: 'last_update';
        $defaultDir = $defaultOrder == 'title' ? 'asc' : 'desc';

        if (empty($filters['order']))
            $filters['order'] = $defaultOrder;
        if (empty($filters['direction']))
            $filters['direction'] = $defaultDir;

is checked

    [order] => last_update
    [direction] => desc

there is still {{dump($filters.order)}} is NULL for last_update DESC

So it seems that we loose that on the way to the template?
But how this is possible? If $filters is empty, we fill it.

        if (empty($filters['order']))
            $filters['order'] = $defaultOrder;
        if (empty($filters['direction']))
            $filters['direction'] = $defaultDir;

        $viewParams = [
            'category' => $category,
            'prefixesGrouped' => $prefixes->groupBy('prefix_group_id'),
            'filters' => $filters,
            'creatorFilter' => $creatorFilter,
            'showTypeFilters' => $showTypeFilters
        return $this->view('XFRM:Filters', 'xfrm_filters', $viewParams);
The problem must be in

public function getResourceFilterInput()

at the end $filters is empty, when last_update, desc
and not empty for last_update, asc and all others

Ok, found it:

            //if ($input['order'] != $defaultOrder || $input['direction'] != $defaultDir)
            if (1==1)
                $filters['order'] = $input['order'];
                $filters['direction'] = $input['direction'];

When filters == default and dir = default, we dont give filters back.
But why XF should do this? We we give infos about every filter, but not about the default one?
Makes no sense to me.
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