XF 1.4 Overlay error on post edit


Well-known member
On this post

when I try to edit, I get an overlay with the error:
"The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console."

Firebug seems to id a problem in:

at line 230 which appears to be
0);XenForo._manualDeferOverlay.find("span").text(a.status);var c=XenForo._manualDeferOverlay.find(".CancelDeferred");a.canCancel?c.show():c.hide()}else b()}).fail(b)};d()}},handleServerError:function(a,b){switch(b){case "abort":return!1;case "timeout":return XenForo.alert(XenForo.phrases.server_did_not_respond_in_time_try_again,XenForo.phrases.following_error_occurred+":"),!1;case "parsererror":return console.error("PHP "+a.responseText),XenForo.alert("The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console."),

This was confirmed with default skin and no addons
It appears to break on any javascript overlay function on that page. I don't see what is different than other pages.

firebug just reports the entire page code in the console
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