Other than an Iframe what will work :)


Well-known member
Am trying to add a php file into a template

$cdb = new PDO('mysql:dbname=blah;host=localhost', 'blah', 'blah');

foreach ($cdb->query("SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY posted DESC LIMIT 5") AS $img)
    echo '<div class="highlighted">
                <a style="position: relative; display: block; height: 127px; width: 170px;" href="/booru/post/view/' . $img['id'] . '">

                    <img src="booru/_thumbs/' . $img['hash'] . ' " />


With an Iframe I can't get an CSS to work :C unless am doing it wrong?

Anyone any better ideas?
The Iframe have no access to the page where it's displayed, so you're not able to use the js & css from the page, where the iframe is placed without adding the ressources!
The Iframe have no access to the page where it's displayed, so you're not able to use the js & css from the page, where the iframe is placed without adding the ressources!
Yea cheers dude I got it working in the end

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