Lack of interest Option to allow banned users to contact staff via conversation

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Well-known member
Users who are banned manually or have been banned due to warning points have no way to contact staff to discuss and appeal their ban.

Could we get an option to allow that?

Either in general options "banned users can contact staff members", or a new moderator permission "can be contacted by banned members"
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Banned users can contact staff via the contact form.

If this was implemented, how would you prevent banned members from spamming staff members with conversations? After all, banned isn't a user group permission where you can just remove the conversation ability, it is a user state.
Add individual user permission: conversation: never ?
That would imply that the banned user state would always allow conversations (at least to moderators). That would lead to admins having to do several clicks to ban a user and not allow any contact from them. Likely that most admins wouldn't want a multi-step solution for banning.

Out of interest, why isn't the contact form sufficient?
That would imply that the banned user state would always allow conversations (at least to moderators). That would lead to admins having to do several clicks to ban a user and not allow any contact from them. Likely that most admins wouldn't want a multi-step solution for banning.

Out of interest, why isn't the contact form sufficient?
Or, as an alternative, creating a banned user group with the permissions in that which you require rather than using the banned user state?
The contact form doesn't allow contact with the mods, which means more workload for me because I have to get involved.
nope, doesn't work


nope, doesn't work


Sorry, I didn't mean use the banned user state (and then associate a user group with it). What I meant was to not use the banned option at all - instead just create a banned user group and add people who you want to ban to that instead. That would allow you to configure permissions as you see fit (e.g allow conversations).
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