Oops! We ran into some problems.


Active member
Hi Friends,

I just installed XF v2.0.1 fresh forum and sometimes I face this issue, not all the time but in a days I notice sometimes it comes up and then the nothing works unless I clear chache and login again. The following error;

Oops! We ran into some problems.
Security error occurred. Please press back, refresh the page, and try again.

I have just the following few addons installed on my board.

[XenMax] - Limit Post Link 2.0.0

[XenMax] Hide Links With Guests 2.0.0

Chat 2.0.0

s9e Media Sites

Now I am not sure this error is inside the forum or one of the above addons is causing. I can not disable each addon and test it because this error comes rarely and not all the time :(

Just checking in here, if someone is facing the same error and knows what is actually causing ?

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