Hey everyone...
I'm very new to XenForo development and am really struggling to tamper with basic forum functions. What I want to do with the code below is only let guests view the portal, login, register, recover password, and terms&conditions pages. If they go to any other page, they are redirected to the portal page. The code below accomplishes that task with visitor_setup and front_controller_pre_view listeners. However, I'm completely locked out of the admin panel due to the way the visitor object works. Can you help point me in the right direction? I realise that what I've done is far from efficient.
I'm very new to XenForo development and am really struggling to tamper with basic forum functions. What I want to do with the code below is only let guests view the portal, login, register, recover password, and terms&conditions pages. If they go to any other page, they are redirected to the portal page. The code below accomplishes that task with visitor_setup and front_controller_pre_view listeners. However, I'm completely locked out of the admin panel due to the way the visitor object works. Can you help point me in the right direction? I realise that what I've done is far from efficient.
class NDZN_Listener
private static $_visitor;
public static function visitor_setup(XenForo_Visitor &$visitor) {
// statically store visitor object
$visitor = XenForo_Visitor::getInstance();
self::$_visitor = $visitor;
public static function front_controller_pre_view(
XenForo_FrontController $fc,
XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract &$controllerResponse,
XenForo_ViewRenderer_Abstract &$viewRenderer,
array &$containerParams)
// check if visitor object has user ID
$loggedIn = (self::$_visitor['user_id'] ? true : false);
// ignore redirect controllers which don't have a template name
if (!isset($controllerResponse->templateName)) {
return false;
// get name of view template being rendered
$templateName = $controllerResponse->templateName;
$allowedTemplates = ['ndznPortal', 'login', 'register_form',
'lost_password', 'help_wrapper'
// if disallowed view template and not logged in, force login
if (!in_array($templateName, $allowedTemplates) && !$loggedIn) {
header("Location: /login");
die('We tried to redirect you to /login but failed!');