XF 1.5 Online Users Color

Damien Alexander

Active member
Hello I wanted to know how the usergroups color can appear in the online users list.

For example An Admin is red and is online but in the online user list you can see the name (first one) just in gray not red. http://prntscr.com/k8nl9a

I see other XenForo sites in which their members appear in their correct colors online
I know nothing about CSS.

I am using XF 2.012

I would like to have usernames appear in the Members Online widget in different colors based on secondary group status. For instance, I have a secondary group called Forum Supporters. I have figure out how to setup the banner so that displays under their avatars like this,


I would like to have their usernames show up in the members online with that same shade of green (or close to it). Is there something I can add in the User name CSS bock here that would make that work?


If so, can you be VERY specific about what that code/text would be?

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