One skin, in 2 colors.... Question


in memoriam 2016
Ok I am using the Flexile style on my new forum.
I am using it in 2 different colors - blue and red.

I made one logo, and it looks great on the blue, but not on the red.
So I want to make a second logo for the red style.

How do I use both? Or can I? o_O
Every style has style properties, the logo is defined in a style property by default. If you have 2 styles, go to the red one and under style properties > header > and point to the second logo. You can call it logo_by_peggy.png or whatever.

I don't know if you have 2 styles installed, or if the flexible skin comes with a color switcher. I am not familiar with it.
heh that's the problem. I have dived into it, pretty extensively.
I'm having short-term memory lapses. Doc's trying to figure out why. :confused:
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