XF 2.0 Older threads cause log-out, unable to log in while viewing thread

I'm running Xenforo v2.0.11 on my forum, www.oldwillysforum.com

I'm having an issue where old threads that were imported from vBulletin log out the user when viewed. They seem to be threads that have gallery images, also imported form the old gallery system. When you enter an old thread, you are no longer logged in, and when clicking on a thumbnail, you are asked to log in, and that cookies are required to view the image. If you try to log in, it's a repeating loop.

If you back out of the thread, the log in is still there as normal.

Not sure why this is happening, and I'm not a coder so I have a limited understanding of how this stuff works.

Is there anything I can do to fix this issue?

Thanks for the help,
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