Official Arcade add-on


Well-known member
I suggest the XenForo staff consider developing and releasing an official add-on for Arcade games.

Games are always popular, and an Arcade add-on would be yet another reason for members to 'stick around' and use forums even more than before. Today, there is an Arcade under development, and its usable to some extent already (we have it installed on our board).

Can this be something to consider?
Upvote 12
I have moved this to XenForo Suggestions as historically that's where suggestions for things that are likely to become first party add-ons are posted and gauged for popularity (e.g. the suggestion for a Gallery was a XenForo Suggestion and was implemented with the introduction of a first party add-on, XenForo Media Gallery).
I would rather something like an Arcade mod stay 3rd party cause only a small handful of people will/would need something like this. I would rather the xF devs time be spent perfecting the core and stuff like a CMS that would be of more use to more users.
Arcades shouldn't be official add-ons - the demand isn't big enough and the legalities surrounding the use of games (flash ones) can be a minefield. Not sure how popular flash games are now anyway, more and more html5 games are popping up and maybe this is something that could be looked at by a third party developer.

The arcade itself works relatively well just now; granted there are issues that need address (the postbit layout is unusable) and there are much needed features that are missing but there arcade itself works and allows games to be played and scores recorded without any issues - and a little styling makes all the difference -

Hopefully @xfrocks will find some time to work on the arcade in the future or someone will develop a completely new one
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