XF 1.3 Nulled Xenforo?

Check your phrase: xenforo_copyright

Unedited it should look something like this (with a link back to XF):
<a href="http://xenforo.com" class="concealed">Forum software by XenForo&trade; <span>&copy;2010-2015 XenForo Ltd.</span></a>
They changed the footer template a couple of times. Some bad merges might be interfering. Guy not too long ago reverted his footer template to fix this. However might not want to do that if its heavily customized. Just get someone to fix it.
You will need to resolve that as it currently breaches the license terms.

As above, check for an outdated template and revert/update as necessary.
Check your phrase: xenforo_copyright

Unedited it should look something like this (with a link back to XF):
<a href="http://xenforo.com" class="concealed">Forum software by XenForo&trade; <span>&copy;2010-2015 XenForo Ltd.</span></a>
Yea mine was: Forum software by XenForo&trade; <span>&copy;2010-2014 XenForo Ltd.</span>
I changed to yours and saved&reloaded but its still not clickable :S
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