Now I dont know what to do.


Well-known member
Omg..I saw a weird title thing.:) That was cool.

Ok... Now I don't know what to do. I was going to pull to the trigger on IPB with nexus and content the second nexus become available.

Now I have to hold off and see what is going on over here.
I strongly recommend to stick around and see how this "first build of xenforo alpha" is going to be in beta and stable. No license details are available at the moment, but I am sure they will become available within reasonable time.

A couple of things caught my attention. While I know nothing about developing software I am stunned at how far along this is in the amount of time they have been independent of IB. Shocked is more like it. I have no idea how long it would be to get all the things I would want for this software to become available.

If it will takes a year for all the things I want to become available I might move my forum twice. If it will have an advanced subscription system that meets my needs I might just go for it when available and use something else for the CMS and use my standalone store a bit longer.
Just tell yourself, what was your first impression after using IPB or vBulletin's latest versions or even phpBB3 or SMF, etc .. for say an hour or so. And your first impressions after using xenforo's first build, first private alpha?

It was enjoyable to browse and participate in a community again for me. And not only because of the exciting news of xf, but because I could find what I was looking for. Didn't feel it was lacking everything, and easy to use.

I completely agree with everything you say. I feel the same, entirely.
Lets see....available end of summer?

Summer I think ends September 22nd. Hmmmmm

Think Think Think Think.

Modding community should sprout up quickly. Custom coders might be able to be hired to possibly make the very few things I want. But one of the would be a big things.

Think Think Think Think.

I can do without the big things.

Ok...likely need a mod of the subscriptions system. Might be able to hire that out.
Can get by with the store being seperate for awhile
CMS..can get by with something else for awhile.

multiple secondary usergroup icons showing under avatar might already be in there?

I really have no idea what to do now. I was going to pull the trigger on the Aug9th sale of Nexus and IPB3 plus Content.

The right answer is confusing in a big way.

I can see myself moving then this is available and getting the other things as they become available while using close substitutes and I see myself using Nexus IPP3 until this has all that I want.

This is not an easy choice.

I love this software from the users point of view.
I was meaning IP.Content from IPS to replace the CMS from vB

I just want to be able to put my articles on the front page easily. Nothing more.

I can do that with another product of needed.
Yes it does. I still need my revenue creating tools however.

I have a feeling if the modding community jumps on this as fast as I think they will those tools will be available.

Well all but one but I also think with all this excitement that last tool will exist as well given enough time.

Unless I am mistaken, your successful forum was smf which is uber basic. You could set things up the same way as you had them with smf until new cool stuff arrives. If your members enjoyed the software they will stay online more. I realize it depends on what is possible in the admin cp though...
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