Not For Profit Forum Income Ideas

Tom McIntyre

Active member
Our organization is a 501c3 educational Not for Profit that serves the general topic area of Horology.

we have a Museum, a Research Library, Local Chapters and regional Meetings in addition to our XenForo Forums.

The organization charges membership dues to support the core activities and fees for courses.

Our Forum, on the other hand is mostly free to anyone who registers and is open to reading the bulk of the content for guests. We think of it as a service that our members and some of our regular friends provide to those who are curious about clocks and watches and want to learn more about time and timekeeping as well as artifacts they have found.

We have a donation facility that provides a small income stream and we display some Google ads and other ads we sell directly to those who want to reach our community. We also frequently invite our non-member visitors (whome we call Ffriends) to convert o paid membership.

We have been advised by consultant that we have a strong organic search position, but I do not really know how to evaluate that myself. It seems to me that there is no obvious connection between that performance and potential income.

Google reports that last month we had 88.2K users with $6.95 revenue/1000 visits. We had 141.4K Sessions with a bounce rate of 60.8%. The user acquisition shows 80.0% Organic Search, 10.7% Direct with 9.2% others.

If anyone here understands this better than I do, I would appreciate any helpful comments.
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