Not Alone Pro

Not Alone Pro 2.3.6

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Well-known member
Osman submitted a new resource:

Not Alone Pro - Our prayers are with you

View attachment 281506

We have created a style to support everyone in these painful days in our country.

As a Turkish person, we wanted to thank everyone for the massive help so far from around the world. Today we're seeing lots of love directed in conversations.

We know, writing a condolence message is too tough; after all, we only offer condolences during the most difficult moments.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are so sorry for your sorrow and loss. The world...

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It’s so heartbreaking to see people who have lost their lives and lost their homes. Governments have to do more to help those people in desperate need and help. My prayers go to all those people who have lost loved ones.

Thank you to all the countries that help and support us!
Please accept our condolences on this great loss and grief. This is an irreparable loss for many families. We wish you to sincerely experience all this, we are with you.

One thing is depressing, if of course it's true what they tell us on TV, it's that during such a grief for the whole country, looters rob convoys with charitable assistance and shops, I just have no words ((
hello i wanted to know value?
my ultimate license v2.2.2
I won't have a problem, or I need to update but new
"Only the folder name is written wrongly. The style is XenForo 2.2.12 version."
Please accept our condolences on this great loss and grief. This is an irreparable loss for many families. We wish you to sincerely experience all this, we are with you.

One thing is depressing, if of course it's true what they tell us on TV, it's that during such a grief for the whole country, looters rob convoys with charitable assistance and shops, I just have no words ((
Unfortunately, what you say seems to be happening all over the world. Of course, our state and nation will overcome this difficult exam together, hand. We thank each and every person who supports our country for this cause, individually.
Words cannot convey the heartbreak that this horrendous disaster has caused. I've downloaded your theme to use on my new Spiritual site and have donated to my newspaper appeal:

The heartfelt good wishes from the UK are with everyone affected by this terrible disaster.
Words cannot convey the heartbreak that this horrendous disaster has caused. I've downloaded your theme to use on my new Spiritual site and have donated to my newspaper appeal:

The heartfelt good wishes from the UK are with everyone affected by this terrible disaster.
It is painful to see the destruction and dispersal of families that occurred in your beautiful country. May Allah help you and grant you patience.
Thank you for all the support you have given us during these painful moments.
no permission to download, even as a registered user... :-(

Please read the link below.
Osman updated Not Alone Pro with a new update entry:

v2.3.0 Beta 1

We are delighted to release the Not Alone Pro style for XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 1.

  • XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 1 compatibility
  • The style changer feature has been removed. Instead, XenForo's built-in Style Variations have been included.

Note: Please do not install the style , if you are using lower than XF 2.3.x
This version only support to XenForo 2.3.x

If you think need to help, you can contact us or create a support ticket. ;)

Read the rest of this update entry...
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