XF 2.2 Nodes / Topic-related logo before title text


...either I have overlooked something fundamental or I'm just looking at myself ;)

I would like to enter a logo (as PNG or SVG) before the actual title for individual nodes. The logo refers to the product being discussed. In terms of appearance, it is easier for the community to find than "only" via the title. About 40 topics with an additional graphic in the node are planned.

How do I have to proceed here in order to be able to set a graphic mark before the title for individual nodes?

Many thanks for any useful tips 🤩


  • xf_nodes_w_26052024.webp
    13.1 KB · Views: 23
a graphic mark before the title for individual nodes?
I would like to ask the community again if anyone has a solution to my question?

Depending on the topic, the logo or brand (for documented companies / brands) of the product or company (producer / distributor) under discussion should be integrated in the “title” of the node (but not in the comments field of the node).

--> Appendix in the previous thread

It will not be easy because company logos or brand logos have different dimensions. Consequently, I would have to adapt the corresponding SVG or PNG to a uniform size.

Many thanks for a solution-oriented answer.
I'm not sure that this is what he is looking for, in his idea the node icons do not change but a logo is added in the node title cell.
I suppose it would be easier to think about putting the logos, not before the title because with their different lengths the titles of the nodes would no longer be aligned but rather aligned against the title cell on the far right.

You can do that with code in extra.less template.
The DIY submitted by @Paul B just above is a good basis for doing this, even if @BassMan's code modifies the cell of the icon and not that of the title...
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@Old Nick / @Paul B - Thank you both again for the thread on finding a solution.

I will leave everything as it is. The reason for this is, on the one hand, the significant additional effort required to integrate each individual company logo or brand name into the respective topic nodes. And, most importantly, the fact that the - unsolicited - use of brands (C) & (R) and company logos (C) & (R) would put me in a legal gray area, especially if it is an integral part of the forum. To be legally certain, I would have to ask each individual company directly and explain myself.

I can't quite foresee the extra work involved here and I'm not entirely comfortable with it. For the time being, I'll leave it to one side.
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