XF 1.4 Node Tree Isuue

Hi, I had backed up my old SQL node tables, and so there was an issue deleting them from the actual ACP, so I deleted the SQL tables, and now for some reason, my node tree is still showing them active when they're not there, and now it's acting up for some reason. What should I do?Screen Shot 2015-01-31 at 5.00.58 PM.webpScreen Shot 2015-01-31 at 5.01.12 PM.webp
You can't delete content from the database like that, it will cause all sorts of problems.

I would recommend restoring from a backup and deleting the nodes via the ACP.
It depends on the nature of the corruption.

It would require interrogating various tables to determine what the issues are and then probably queries to attempt to resolve it.
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