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Node Title Length 1.0.1

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So it doesn't work :

L'erreur suivante s'est produite:
Veuillez saisir une valeur utilisant au maximum 50 caractères.
So it doesn't work :

L'erreur suivante s'est produite:
Veuillez saisir une valeur utilisant au maximum 50 caractères.
Hmm. I belive that addon don't change the value of table column. Just simple check your database.
Thanks @Nobita.Kun for this addon. I need your help. I write tweets of 140 characters. I want them to fully come in the title. How can I increase it from 100 to 140? I tried changing it to 140 in the files in your addon and tried upgrading and reinstalling the addon. I even changed the title length in the xf_node title column but it did not work. Please do help.
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Thanks @Nobita.Kun for this addon. I need your help. I write tweets of 140 characters. I want them to fully come in the title. How can I increase it from 100 to 140? I tried changing it to 140 in the files in your addon and tried upgrading and reinstalling the addon. I even changed the title length in the xf_node title column but it did not work. Please do help.
You should manual update there files.

Nobita_NodeTitleLength_XenForo_DataWriter_Category, Nobita_NodeTitleLength_XenForo_DataWriter_Forum, Nobita_NodeTitleLength_XenForo_DataWriter_Page
To the your length. Example: Change from 100 to 140
I updated all three of them to 140 and then updated and even reinstalled the addon but still I can only enter 100 characters in the thread title while creating a thread. Please do shed some light. Thanks.
I updated all three of them to 140 and then updated and even reinstalled the addon but still I can only enter 100 characters in the thread title while creating a thread. Please do shed some light. Thanks.
Thread title? It not support. It just for Node Title only :)
I installed this correctly as well, and it shows as installed but I still get the 50 limit error. Is it because 1.5 is not supported?
No I don't think so. I was just checking on some of the forums I manage and it doesn't appear that I was able to find anything.
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