Administrator, nor registered users, so probably no-one can currently upload and attachment or image etc. on my board.
I checked a the permissions, they or set.
I do show errors
Exception: Could not find class XenAddons\Showcase\XF\Entity\User when attempting to extend XF\Entity\User src/XF/Extension.php:174
LogicException: Error rendering widget: Unknown relation or alias fullCategory accessed on xf_xa_sc_item src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Finder.php:753
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Interface 'XF\Entity\LinkableInterface' not found src/addons/XenAddons/Showcase/Entity /Category.php:46
The first one won't be it, but I included it anyway, probably the last.
I checked a the permissions, they or set.
I do show errors
Exception: Could not find class XenAddons\Showcase\XF\Entity\User when attempting to extend XF\Entity\User src/XF/Extension.php:174
LogicException: Error rendering widget: Unknown relation or alias fullCategory accessed on xf_xa_sc_item src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Finder.php:753
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Interface 'XF\Entity\LinkableInterface' not found src/addons/XenAddons/Showcase/Entity /Category.php:46
The first one won't be it, but I included it anyway, probably the last.