XF 1.3 No permission users get white page w/ scrambled text


I've been having quite a problem for about a year now (this happens on all versions, 1.3 or 1.4). This isn't too big of a deal, but I would like to find the cause or fix for it regardless.

When a user without permission to a page, forum, or thread tries to visit the page it doesn't work and instead the user gets a white page with scrambled text and symbols on it, instead of the usual "No permission" error that's built into XenForo. This happens on all browsers, and all versions of XenForo which makes me believe that it might possibly be an add-on, but I highly doubt it since it's been an issue for as long as I can remember. The add-ons I use: NodesAsTabs, PostRating, SeparateSticky&Normal, sonnbStopSpamHere, TaigaChat, XenTRWhoHasVisited, XenPorta, TagMe, WidgetFramework

Here's what it looks like:

Again, this only happens when a user visits a page that their user group does not have permission to view, such as a hidden thread or page.
Has this been resolved? I just migrated from vBulletin and having the same issues for pages that has no permissions having this garbled messages :(

It has been a long time now since this has been fixed, and I believe the problem was caused by Varnish cache. I may have forgotten, but if you use Varnish on your server/host try disabling it or trying it on another system to verify.
Just a random guess, but you can try disabling gzip as well by adding this line to the library/config.php file:

$config['enableGzip'] = false;

Though I would expect a compression problem to affect all pages.
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