Lack of interest No More Having to Keep a Tab Open for Custom Alerts and Similar Actions

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The Dark Wizard

Well-known member
xF 2.2 came with superior cron support that wasn't entirely based on just site activity. Could we get Custom Alerts and similar actions sent via Background, please?

This would be a boon for the bigger xF sites out there, so we don't have to keep a browser tab open for hours.
Upvote 3
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Wouldn't push notifications (which are already there) be a better option than keeping a browser window open?
Hi digitalpoint,

I don't understand your comment in relation to mine.

xF has several features that allow you to contact users (via alerts, emails, or even mass PMs) but you have to keep a browser tab open so that it can process users in batches.


My suggestion was about making sure that nothing in xF involves an admin having to leave a browser tab anymore to process. Though while we are at it, Push notifications should definitely be a queue job and not sent immediately when an alert is.
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