On our website we are moderating all new registered users and one of the steps that we then take is to check if their IP address is blacklisted.
Since a while we are getting IPv6 addresses for some new users and IPv4 for the others (in the past we always got IPv4). This gives us issues because we can't check the IPv6 addresses against the blacklist in XenForo, like we can for the IPv4.
What determines if XenForo displays an IP address as IPv4 or IPv6? Is this something we can configure in XenForo or is this more a server side configuration? We would like to always have IPv4, so that we can check them against the blacklist and have less spammers on the forum.
On our website we are moderating all new registered users and one of the steps that we then take is to check if their IP address is blacklisted.
Since a while we are getting IPv6 addresses for some new users and IPv4 for the others (in the past we always got IPv4). This gives us issues because we can't check the IPv6 addresses against the blacklist in XenForo, like we can for the IPv4.
What determines if XenForo displays an IP address as IPv4 or IPv6? Is this something we can configure in XenForo or is this more a server side configuration? We would like to always have IPv4, so that we can check them against the blacklist and have less spammers on the forum.