XF 1.4 New Profile Posts In Sidebar?


Active member
I would like to enable new profile posts to appear in sidebar, I can't for the life of me find where to enable it. Any help would be appreciated.
It's already enabled on your site, Denis. :)

Since it's a global option and not a style property, it looks like it may be an issue with the Dark style as I can see it on the Enix Origin style
It's already enabled on your site, Denis. :)

Since it's a global option and not a style property, it looks like it may be an issue with the Dark style as I can see it on the Enix Origin style

Damn it, yeah I have no clue whats going on with the dark style. It should be on there too.
template: forum_list

  <xen:hook name="forum_list_sidebar">
     <xen:if is="{$canViewMemberList}">
       <xen:include template="sidebar_online_users" />
     <xen:if is="{$profilePosts}">
       <div class="section profilePostList">
         <div class="secondaryContent">
           <h3><a href="{xen:link find-new/profile-posts}">{xen:phrase new_profile_posts}</a></h3>
           <xen:include template="sidebar_profile_post_list" />

The bottom portion should be there.
template: forum_list

  <xen:hook name="forum_list_sidebar">
     <xen:if is="{$canViewMemberList}">
       <xen:include template="sidebar_online_users" />
     <xen:if is="{$profilePosts}">
       <div class="section profilePostList">
         <div class="secondaryContent">
           <h3><a href="{xen:link find-new/profile-posts}">{xen:phrase new_profile_posts}</a></h3>
           <xen:include template="sidebar_profile_post_list" />

The bottom portion should be there.

Does that extend to the Members dropdown?

Looking at his forum, I noticed that link was also missing.
template: forum_list

  <xen:hook name="forum_list_sidebar">
     <xen:if is="{$canViewMemberList}">
       <xen:include template="sidebar_online_users" />
     <xen:if is="{$profilePosts}">
       <div class="section profilePostList">
         <div class="secondaryContent">
           <h3><a href="{xen:link find-new/profile-posts}">{xen:phrase new_profile_posts}</a></h3>
           <xen:include template="sidebar_profile_post_list" />

The bottom portion should be there.

Added the part into the theme, nothing appears to happen. I'll just ask for a more updates version of the theme and hope for the best.
Just recently upgraded to 1.5, the option is set to display 5 but again my forum does not display the new posts. Any suggestions on how to move forward? This is also for my light main theme.
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Not sure if it effects it but are there recent posts to show? The block may have some sort of "timer" on it to where it'll only pull in the x amount of recent days.
Not sure if it effects it but are there recent posts to show? The block may have some sort of "timer" on it to where it'll only pull in the x amount of recent days.

I thought that could have been it, just tried making a new post and nothing. The new profile posts does work but no sight of recent new posts.
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