Need recommendation for a dedicated managed service for Xenforo site

Hello, I manage a very busy forum, in a nutshell I need a managed dedicated that can handle a large Xenforo community smoothly, with daily backups and good customer service, unfortunately the hosting company we've used since years ago can't (or don't know how to) handle our site, almost once a month I have db errors, forum down, etc. No matter how many more resources we purchase at the end the site goes down once a month.

The only reason I am currently w/ my hosting is their great customer service, they are huge and I know there will be no issues w/ backups and they always go the extra mile to resolve any issue but still the forum has many errors, our error log is full of max connection errors, they gave me about 150 still the issue remains, they are not Xenforo "specialists" and I am not a pro configuring servers. I'll appreciate any recommendation.

Thanks in advance.
Is the problem with the host, or is the problem with your site? If your site is actually using excessive resources and that's why things are going down (I'm guessing your host told you) then going with a new host or new management person is not going to fix anything. You can only optimize things so much. You can only squeeze so much out of a given amount of resources.

You need to determine exactly what is causing your site to crash and go from there. Just looking for a new managed provider is not the first course of action.
Search for the recommended parties on here before you sign up. Lots of reviews on the likes of "the forum heroes", and their previous other names xfhost, xenhosting, mike edge, etc.

Wholeheartedly recommend mattw to handle things for you. He knows what he is doing.
Hello, I manage a very busy forum, in a nutshell I need a managed dedicated that can handle a large Xenforo community smoothly, with daily backups and good customer service, unfortunately the hosting company we've used since years ago can't (or don't know how to) handle our site, almost once a month I have db errors, forum down, etc. No matter how many more resources we purchase at the end the site goes down once a month.

The only reason I am currently w/ my hosting is their great customer service, they are huge and I know there will be no issues w/ backups and they always go the extra mile to resolve any issue but still the forum has many errors, our error log is full of max connection errors, they gave me about 150 still the issue remains, they are not Xenforo "specialists" and I am not a pro configuring servers. I'll appreciate any recommendation.

Thanks in advance.

Nimbus Hosting :)

They get all my customers and referrals now days because they have never skipped a beat.
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