Yes, you will need to register a domain that you want to use for the site, then find a hosting provider. I would suggest not using the hosting provider for the domain registration.
The main reason is in case you decide to transfer your hosting elsewhere. Sometimes a hosting provider will cause "problems" with the transfer of the domain if you cancel the hosting service with them. It's just much easier to register the domain with someone like Namecheap or Namesilo. That way, if you change hosts, all you have to do is change your DNS entries to point at the new hosting provider IP that they give you.
Ok so i need a host from a site and domain from onother
It is always smart to have your host from 1 site and domain on another site. Why? In case you have trouble with one of them. If they are both the same company, then they can hold your site hostage. With two separate companies, you can always move somewhere else.
i use i my opinion is very good host you paid 60 usd per year and you get the domain free if you keep paying.
Thank you for your recommendation :). If anyone has any questions about our services feel free to reach out to me via PM or via email.

When a hosting provider offers a free domain name it is best to check with the provider exactly what the terms are. We have all the details regarding our free domains here:
It is always smart to have your host from 1 site and domain on another site. Why? In case you have trouble with one of them. If they are both the same company, then they can hold your site hostage. With two separate companies, you can always move somewhere else.
Any professional company wouldn't do that. I feel like smaller companies especially will cause a little issue, and of course you've got the customer service asking for reasons. I had a one hour call just because I wanted to end my service with my TV provider, and I completed the contract of a year. They were pestering me about customer service and being #1 in the country. So yeah, best to keep your domain and hosting separate just in case.
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