need good ip/login/user security add ons recommendations


Active member
since i been having issues security wise on my site, i already have admin firewall installed

but what i am looking for specifically also for all my users is an add one or system that will force them to change there password every 2-4 weeks or how much i specify it and block repeated/similar passwords for security

also increase the minimum password length and block simple passwords like 123456Test

extra layers of security would also be best

i am also looking for a way to mass force reset all user passwords if there is such an add one that will send there new password to there emails they have resisted with or send them a link for them to change there password

i know about these:

but i really want something as i described above must have these features:
force the user to change password every x weeks or x days
force user to have a min amount length password
force user to use totally different password no similar passwords/same password

able for super admin to force reset all user password
a password reset link is sent to emails or new temp password sent to emails
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