XF 2 Need External Homepage with Xenforo Features


Active member
I'm looking to upgrade to XF2 and was wondering if anyone was able to make a homepage (outside of XF container) where I can have users both login and register without having to load the forums.
My forum is private and I would want this homepage to be automatically integrated with any of my addons and xenforo settings. So if I were to disable registrations, or change CAPTCHA method, it will automatically change it on the external homepage.
Would this be possible using Xenforo template syntax? https://xenforo.com/xf2-docs/manual/styles/#templates

I plan to use some html5 login templates I'll buy online so you won't have to make the design.

Please respond here with a quote if interested. Project isn't urgent so I'll be willing to wait for the right dev.
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Please let me know if you have any questions. I've heard from some developers but waiting for some quotes from them.
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