XF 1.5 Navtab ResponsiveNarrow Tab Width Control


Active member
I have created this snippet of code for EXTRA.css.

The purpose of it is to allow me custom override of the navtab tab width elements in responsive narrow view only.
@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveNarrowWidth)
.navTabs .publicTabs .navLink
    padding: 0 15px !important;
.navTabs .visitorTabs .navLink
    padding: 0 7px !important;
It works as designed and desired.

I have one issue though is that I cannot find why while viewing in responsivenarrow view, I get an extra border at the bottom the active tab in publicTabs.

just tried adding
   border-bottom: none !important;
to below the padding padding string of PublicTabs.

But that doesnt seem to change anything.

Also just tried
    border-bottom: none !important;
to no avail

Can anybody see what I am doing wrong here ?

edited to reflect what I just found and one of my misdiagnoses.
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You know, sometimes I just need to talk it out with people outloud even if nobody responds, in order for the solution to hit me.

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveNarrowWidth)
.navTabs .publicTabs .navLink .navTabSelected
    padding: 0 15px !important;
    border-bottom: none !important;
.navTabs .visitorTabs .navLink .navTabSelected
    padding: 0 7px !important;
    border-bottom: none !important;

This is the working solution. Enjoy it if you want it!
Thank you all for being here anyways! (y)
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