XF 1.5 NavBar items order change on screen resize or using mobile.


Hi guys, I am trying to make litte customization on my navbar. Since most of our members including me use New Posts button most often, I wanted to make it in front of everything in my navbar. I am using also [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO , so I found 2 templates to change:

For normal Forums list --- Appearance > Styles > rcmania > Templates -- Navigation

and for XenPorta 2 --- Appearance > Styles > rcmania > Templates -- EWRporta2_Navtabs

Now it looks exactly I wanted on desktop - on main page and on Forums page

header1.webp header2.webp

But I noticed when I open the site on my iPhone 6 plus, order is different same as before my change. On main page I see Authors, and on Forum Page I see Forum subscriptions.

header3.webp header4.webp

Fist I decided it was some cache, so I went to http://forum/install and Rebuild all , but this not helped, then I tried to check with resizing my browser Window on Chrome , and I found that on certain point of pixels , order of navbar items is changed. It looks like there is another SET of templates for mobile version, but I can't find these. Any idea how to fix this ?

My forum URL is http://rcmania.bg/
That is the correct behaviour.

As the viewport narrows, links on the sub navigation bar are dropped from the far left.

Edit the templates and move the links to the far right if you want them to remain visible at all times.
Edit the templates and move the links to the far right if you want them to remain visible at all times.

Sorry Brogan , I jusr read twice what you wrote :) , I did it and it worked!

My mistake was that I put what I want to remain visible on the left - now when it's on the right all works as expected.

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