MySQL query to strip quotes


I'm interested in stripping quotes without removing the posts containing them. For example, in the xf_post table:
[QUOTE="USERNAME, post: #, member: #"]Random quoted text.[/QUOTE]
I'm aware of this addon that can delete posts containing quotes, but only want to strip quote tags including the content between them.
Thanks, as requested:
[QUOTE="Jack, post: 40, member: 12"]Thanks a lot [USER=7]@Moe[/USER].[/QUOTE]
You're welcome!
In the above example I'd be interested in stripping everything except the non-quoted text, specifically: You're welcome!
You will need to use this add-on as the content between the tags is different in each case.

Thanks, as requested:
[QUOTE="Jack, post: 40, member: 12"]Thanks a lot [USER=7]@Moe[/USER].[/QUOTE]
You're welcome!
In the above example I'd be interested in stripping everything except the non-quoted text, specifically: You're welcome!
Yep, Brogan is right - I misread your request and thought you wanted to strip quotes as in single quotes, double quotes, etc. not "quote tags"
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