My server frequently hits Entry Processes limit


Well-known member
I am just wondering if I can do some optimization, or 22 is too low for Entry Processes settings. I have the option to increase EP Processes from 22 to 28 by paying extra $3/month, but before that, I want to make sure I am not missing any optimization step.

The only 3rd party add-on I use is @Xon's Content Ratings and @Siropu's chat (which I guess a bit resource intensive) along with official Media Gallery.

Below are hourly statistics from last 7 days:


And here are hourly visitors and page view in the last 7 days.


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Most likely some optimization can be done with mysql settings, and/or the web server software, to decrease process usage during peak times. But without knowing the specs of the VPS, and the setup of Apache (or Nginx) and Mysql there's no way to give a definitive answer.
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