XF 2.2 My new forum got hacked, what I should do please?


Active member
Hi friends,

I purchased a new domain, setup my new forum, did all the hard work and now after days when I went to my website, the browser shows warning message and says its risky to visit that page.
Please let me know how I can put my forum under maintenance manually visa cPanel a I do not want to proceed visiting my site by forcing the browser and take the risk of effecting my laptop.
I am worried about all my hard work I did on work, will lost all the categories and posts.
Which files I should not replace so that I will not lose my work, I am thinking of replacing all the files with the fresh copy but worried of losing data.
Also how I Can put my site under maintenance manually via cPanel please.

Appreciate your help.

Best regards,
I will look into it Maldetect, thank you for letting me know about that, much appreciated.
You're welcome. Be aware dat Maldetect might see paid themes as suspicious as often they are base64 encoded to prevent code stealing.
Which makes it also impossible to scan for malicious code inside.

Hacks can also be caused by weak passwords and bad coded or leak plugins and so on, it's not always themes.
You probably should move your hosting away from wordpress.
In the past I have used Wordpress on sites and never had any problems with it being hacked.
But I was careful on what plug ins I installed and tried to keep up with any issues. Forums, paid or free, or a new exposure for me as for controlling, but I understand even they have issues with security holes.
In the past I have used Wordpress on sites and never had any problems with it being hacked.
But I was careful on what plug ins I installed and tried to keep up with any issues. Forums, paid or free, or a new exposure for me as for controlling, but I understand even they have issues with security holes.
A mate of mine had two of his sites lost to hackers and errors.
Found that the host i'm with is actually great.
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