Did a search to see how my site was ranking today and I came across this:
http://mtbtalk.co.uk. It's a XenForo forum with the exact same name as mine about, you guessed it. The domain name was registered 5 days after I posted this thread. Coincidence? No. This guy is being a jerk.
I'm all for more mountain bike forums. I started one because I like them. But not when they rip off my idea and use the exact same name as me.
I didn't think I needed to watch my back posting on these forums. I really like the community and everyone has been very friendly and helpful, but I'll think twice about what I post here in the future.
Well I found this post this morning whilst looking in to the situation further. I think its a little unfair to go on the internet and call me a jerk without quoting my reply, dont you?
So to begin:
My name is Adam Tinsley, and I’m the owner of
https://mtbtalk.com. I see that you registered your domain name a few days after I posted a link to my website in the XenForo Community “Forum Showcase and Critiques” forum, and that you are also using XenForo software. It’s clear to me that you have blatantly copied my website and created your own website for the same purpose, on the same topic, with the same name, using the same software, and using the same domain name with a different TLD extension.
What brought this to my attention is that your website now ranks right next to mine in search results. It does not matter that you are using a UK based TLD. Your site is still confusingly similar to mine, and geographically based URLs have little meaning in practice on the internet.
I spent weeks coming up with a name for my website, and then researched the name “MTB Talk” to make sure that it would not be infringing on an existing website that was similar to the one which I would be creating and that it was not a registered trademark. At the time I registered the domain there were no other registrations. There are no other mountain bike forums on the internet, to my knowledge, with the name MTB Talk, and I have the username on every popular social media platform.
I wish you the best of luck with your forum, but please do the right thing and change the name to something else.
What I'd like Adam, is for you to post the reply I sent to you... so that its clear to everyone I wasnt being a jerk, as you claim.
I havent copied your site/idea deliberately, this is sadly a case of coincidence and bad "luck" for me ... all I'm trying to do is start a friendly MTB community as I'm sick of getting trolled on other forums for owning a "clown bike", or seeing beginners asking questions just to get ripped for it. I want hugs n knuckle bumps, laughs and smiles
As it was late last night when I replied I didnt think to save the message in case of possible come backs, so I'll recite the best I can from memory for the benefit of my defence if nothing else;
Non of the research I did at the time showed MTB Talk to be active on the internet or in social media - thats not to say I missed something though it would seem my domain name research wasnt as thorough as yours.
I also explained that I came to the name mtbtalk.co.uk by taking inspiration from a photography forum I'm a member of (talkphotography.co.uk) who also recently made the transfer to XenForo. As a user I was impressed by XF so I eventually tested a demo shortly followed by purchasing it and then the domain name.
I choose .co.uk as its informative to visitors and potential future members and specific to the the forum location. Also that I had used "UK" in the forum description to further clarify that its a UK based forum.
I said that I would add "UK" to the slogan on my forum for further clarity until I'd decided how to proceed with this situation.
And, because I'm a nice guy, not a jerk, I also wished you good luck with your venture.
As I say, I'd quite like you to post my actual reply for clarity as it was late last night that I replied.
Now, I'm still not decided exactly on the best way forward. However last night I registered talkmountain.bike (I had considered talkmtb.co.uk, now and previously but I expect you'd feel this is too close to your domain name so didnt) and in the early hours of this morning I was up setting DNS & Glue records, getting my host to transfer the forum domain name and setting up a redirect for mtbtalk.co.uk ... at this stage I would like to keep the MTB Talk branding on my forum for its simplicity, with the thought that we will no longer share a similar domain name in search rankings and I plan to continue to target a UK audience, the forum will also feature UK specific content once it gains a user base.
Anyway, I hope this clears things up for everyone ... Adam, if you like please feel free to reply/message me here or via my forum, I'm more than happy to try and accommodate your requests. Oh, if you fancy buying mtbtalk.co.uk let me know ... otherwise I'm stuck with it for 6 years