XF 2.2 Move pagenav to top of page in q&a and suggestion forums ?


Active member
in the mentioned forumtypes the pagenav is positioned after the first post, or - if answered - even after that 2nd answer post:

Is there some CSS magic or template modification that moves the pagenav to the top row like in other forum-types ?

I see the intention but my users complain because they do not understand why sometimes the pagenav is present/on-top and sometimes they don't see it and would need to scroll down a fair amount to access it.

Hi Oz,
thanks for having a look at this.

Yes, this is the desired effect. The pagenav consistently on top right above the 1st post, irregardless of forum-type.

Esp in Q&A forums where there is a longer discussion spanning pages and a huge 1st post question, possibly with some pictures in it, you currently need to do a fair amount of scrolling (especially on mobile) to reach the navigation.

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