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Move login link to navigation bar


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Cala_Marie submitted a new resource:

Move login link to navigation bar - Get rid of the traditional login handle and bar for something more boring

Preface: Thanks to Jake Bruce for his tutorial on changing the login menu to an overlay.

This is what the final result will appear similar to:

(Note that I've changed the login text phrase on my forum. I also plan to do something similar with the admin bar later, hence why I haven't...

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Looks good. I had some trouble. I don't actually have the code in step #2 in my navigation template. Any ideas?

I'd post the template but apparently it's got too many characters...
Looks good. I had some trouble. I don't actually have the code in step #2 in my navigation template. Any ideas?

I'd post the template but apparently it's got too many characters...
What specific version of xF are you running?
Gah, sorry for the late reply.

I'll assume xF 2.0 then. Anyway, I think that bit of code might be from the "Nodes as Tabs" plugin, I'm going to check that here in a little bit.
I did a fresh install of xF 2.0 (no add-ons at all, either) in a virtual machine and that bit of code you're missing was present in the master style, on line 164 of its navigation template.
157       <!-- no selection -->
158        <xen:if is="!{$selectedTab}">
159          <li class="navTab selected"><div class="tabLinks"></div></li>
160        </xen:if>
162      </ul>
164      <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}"><xen:include template="navigation_visitor_tab" /></xen:if>
165   </div>
167   <span class="helper"></span>

Perhaps you could try just inserting the code from step 3 into that spot in your navigation template? It might also be worth checking the default and master styles for that line. Let me know if it works out for you or not. :coffee:
Just saw that and would like to know if its possible to keep the slider instead the Popup?! Thanks
Just saw that and would like to know if its possible to keep the slider instead the Popup?! Thanks

it's the same except

in navigation template : don't want overlayTrigger class on the <a> tag

    <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}"><xen:include template="navigation_visitor_tab" />
    <xen:else />
    <li class="navTab login PopupClosed">
      <label for="LoginControl"><a href="{xen:link login}" class="navLink">{xen:if $xenOptions.registrationSetup.enabled, {xen:phrase log_in_or_sign_up}, {xen:phrase log_in}}</a></label>

in login_bar template: don't want to comment out the whole template just comment out the <h3>...</h3>

<xen:require css="login_bar.css" />
<div id="loginBar">
    <div class="pageWidth">
        <div class="pageContent">  
            <xen:comment><h3 id="loginBarHandle">
                <label for="LoginControl"><a href="{xen:link login}" class="concealed noOutline">{xen:if $xenOptions.registrationSetup.enabled, {xen:phrase log_in_or_sign_up}, {xen:phrase log_in}}</a></label>
            <span class="helper"></span>
            <xen:edithint template="login_bar_form" />

to remove the 5px gap at the top, you can add this to extra.css, (the expanded login bar moves up that same amount, would need more styling to keep the same top padding when expanded)

#loginBar .pageContent {padding-top:0px !important;}
Thanks a lot for your help.

One more Question.
I would like to move the LogIn/SignUp to forums TabLinks, next to "Recent Posts" but i am not sure how to do it.
Could anyone help me?
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