Most Likes - AndyB  for [bd] Widget Framework

Most Likes - AndyB for [bd] Widget Framework


NHATKYMUA submitted a new resource:

Most Likes - AndyB for [bd] Widget Framework - Most Likes,[bd] Widget Framework

I will guide you how to let Addon Like Most show up on [bd] Widget Framework.

First you need to install the Most Like addon ( )

Then you go to the Admin > Appearance > Add Widget >

Title : Most Like ( or what ever you like )
Renderer: [Advanced] HTML & Template ( without wrapper )
Use an existing template: andy_mostlikes
Position: forum_list ( or where ever you like )

(Example of User Group Permissions)...

Read more about this resource...
Hello, thx for your guide.

How can i visible content of this sidebox in a forum_view, thread_view? I can visible MostLikes in widget framework only homepage (forum_list). In forum_view, thread_view is displaying only title, but content is free. Any idea, pls?
Hi Andy

The Instructions:
Renderer: [Advanced] HTML & Template ( without wrapper )
Use an existing template: andy_mostlikes

For the Template - there are two options for placement, in:
1 - HTML
2 - Expression

I can't get this to work by adding "andy_mostlikes" in either of those... :-)
- my guess is that there other parameters that need to be added, if so, what would those be?

Kind regards
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