Add-on Monetization needed - [job was done]


Well-known member
I will love to bring some monetization system on my community, where users would be able to turn their credits in real money by participating on community.
I use DragonByte Credits add-on for this. I ask them if they can provide some help to set events up, but seems like they don't have time.
Furthermore, I will pay $50 via PayPal, to anyone who have knowledge of setting those events for me.
The vents are:
  • Registering a username - +(plus) 25 Credit s
  • After registration, if a user introduce himself (just once to be applicable) - +(plus) 15 Credits
  • To post a thread - +(plus) 10 Credits
  • Birthday - +(plus) 50 Credits
  • Daily activity - +(plus) 5 Credits
  • To download something - -(minus) 10 Credits
  • If his content will be downloaded - +(plus)5 Credits
  • To fallow someone - -(minus) 6 Credits
  • To be fallowed - +(plus) 3 Credits
  • Message someone - -(minus) 3 Credits
  • To be messaged - +(plus) 1 Credits
  • Setting up a Payment Profile - +(plus) 5 Credits
  • Poll - -(minus) 5 Credits
  • Post - +(plus) 3 Credits
  • Like a post - -(minus) 2 Credits
  • If his post will be liked - +(plus) 2 Credits
  • React a post - +(plus) 1 Credit
  • If his post will be reacted - +(plus) 1 Credit
  • Report someone - +(plus) 2 Credits
  • Reported - -(minus) 25 Credits
  • View content - -(minus) 1 Credit
  • His content to be viewed - +(plus) 2 Credits
  • Visit - +(plus) 1 Credit
  • Vote - +(plus) 1 Credit
Those are the event that I need. Thank you in advance.


M@rc did a great job so far, and definitely I will use him in future projects. Thank you mate.
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