XF 2.0 Modifying RSS Feed Message Template

Diana Cox

I have created an RSS feed of emails from an egroup (from groups.io) into a forum on my message board, using http://emails2rss.appspot.com.

The default instructions in the RSS Feed Importer on Xenforo (Forums, RSS Feed Importer on the Admin view) for the Message Template are the following:
[url="{link}"]Continue reading...[/url] (added *** to prevent it displaying as a hotlink)​

However, the URL that is linked (which displays as a hotlink "Continue Reading" on the posted RSS post) is to the Google accounts sign-in for some reason. This obviously doesn't work for our purposes, because people need to be able to reply to these posts. I need it to link to the specific groups.io post. By the way, essentially everyone who is on my Xenforo message board is also registered on the private groups.io egroup - forum is for the purpose of making it easier to read both in one place, and to respond to the egroup posts if desired.
In the ATT00001.txt file that is attached to each egroup email, is this line, where of course the terminal number is the identifier for the specific post:

(I can't seem to fix the hotlink appearance of this text)
What I believe I need to see in the RSS feed is "View/Reply Online" (rather than "Continue reading") where it links to https://groups.io/g/pebblecreekio/message/* where * is of course specific to the post.

How to I format the link in the [url="{link}"]Continue reading...[/url] instruction? (I get that I just change the text in the instruction to "View/Reply Online" - I need to know how to make it link to the right URL for that message.)

Please and thank you!
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Can you provide the URL to the RSS feed you're using?

RSS is a fairly specific format. We only expose certain known values from it. One of those is the link it provides. If the RSS feed itself is providing the "wrong" link, then unfortunately there won't be too much that can be done within XF to adjust that (at least not as part of the RSS import).
Thank you for your offer to help - as it turns out, there are upstream issues in my use of that RSS-creating service - it is limited to about 20 emails/day, and the egroup has about 100/day, so it is not going to work.

If anyone has any other recommendations for posting emails automatically to the Xenforo site, I would greatly appreciate it.
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