Moderating Stats [Paid] [Deleted]


Well-known member
Nobita.Kun submitted a new resource:

Moderating Stats - Moderating stats

Description: This Addon add new page display all moderators of forum.
This is seperate of Admin, Super Moderator and Moderator Content
This Addon allow user have permission view all activity of moderator in special day ;) Its would be great for Admin can review who is good activity
How to install:
- Upload all file to hosts then inport xml
- Set maximum days you want to get activity log
- Set permission allow each group can view

Live Demo:
Sorry this require member...

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What exact data does this addon show?

I want to see:
  1. number of posts they made in their forums
  2. number of warnings given
  3. number of posts / threads deleted / moved / merged / closed
  4. number of items(posts, threads, RM entries, profile messages, etc) approved
  5. number of members approved
  6. number of threads checked (Moderator Checkpoint System)
What exact data does this addon show?

I want to see:
  1. number of posts they made in their forums
  2. number of warnings given
  3. number of posts / threads deleted / moved / merged / closed
  4. number of items(posts, threads, RM entries, profile messages, etc) approved
  5. number of members approved
  6. number of threads checked (Moderator Checkpoint System)
Thank for some suggestions. But I afraid some suggestions go out of Add On, I will work and add more features If Its impossible :)
I am not sure what you mean, but will be happy to see which features you will include.
I wish this can remake for 1.5 @Nobita.Kun as simple as
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