XF 2.0 Mobile breadcrumb display missing/truncated.


Active member
This was my fix to get breadcrumbs to display better in mobile.

I don't know how to get the old ellipsis back, so if anyone has info they'd like to share it would help a lot.

Breadcrumbs are a very important element of UI, specially on mobile. You should do your users a favour and return them.

Template: app_breadcrumbs.less

Change these responsive elements:

@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveMedium)
    .p-breadcrumbs > li a
        // max-width: 200px;

@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveNarrow)
        > li
            //display: none;
            font-size: @xf-fontSizeSmall;

                display: block;

                //max-width: 90vw;

                //display: none;

                .m-faContent(@fa-var-chevron-left, .72em, ltr);
                .m-faContent(@fa-var-chevron-right, .72em, rtl);
                margin-right: .5em;
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